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F.A.W.C! Love Me Tender: CANCELLED

F.A.W.C! Love Me Tender: CANCELLED

What could be more quintessentially Kiwi than a barbeque on the lawn?
Experience the serene grounds of the Hawke’s Bay Club – a charming property whose beauty is usually reserved only for its members – and a mouthwatering barbeque featuring choice Angus cuts from Three Rivers Beef.
This event promises a relaxed atmosphere, just like your barbeques at home, but with the expert team at Design Cuisine preparing your meal and grilling flavourful homegrown Angus beef to perfection. Tender, utterly delicious, and served with a selection of incredible Hawke’s Bay wines.
Whether you’re a barbeque beginner, an enthusiast or simply seeking a fun event to enjoy with friends, this is the one – great food, a fabulous location and the opportunity to spend time within the surrounds of a private members’ club right here in Hawke’s Bay.

Ticket price includes: bubbles on arrival, platters, BBQ main meal and 2 glasses of Hawke's Bay wine.

F.A.W.C! Food and Wine Classic is a series of exceptional food and wine experiences set in stunning locations in Hawke’s Bay. Running from March 14-23, F.A.W.C! is a chance to get up close and personal with chefs and food producers, wine makers and the clever people that make up the New Zealand food and wine scene.

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Saturday 15 March, 2:00pm to 6:00pm


Restrictions: R18

General Admission $150.00

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The Hawke's Bay Club, Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne
53 Marine Parade, Bluff Hill, Napier, Hawke's Bay / Gisborne

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Weekdays 8:30 am - 4:30 pm
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CLOSED Christmas Day

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0800 HAWKES BAY (429537 229)
and press 3 for Wairoa

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PO Box 54, Wairoa 4160, Hawke’s Bay
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